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In the society of the yuan-ti, the pureblood caste act as spies and the halfbloods as warriors, but the leaders of their race, the head that directs the serpent’s body, are the abominations. SQ Yuan-Ti Abomination Traits, Poison (DC 23Fort, 1D6Con/2D6Con) Feats Alertness, Blind-Fight, Virulent Poison, Deadly Poison, Toughness, Weapon Focus(Bite), Dodge, Mobility, Roll With It, Weapon Specialization(Bite), Pain Mastery, Spring Attack. Skills Concentration +22, Hide +13, Knowledge(Any one) +19, Move Silently +17 Neil dreges up Theo's dark past of drawing snakes with arms and swords, how will he cope?Links to look at: Yuan-ti abominations are monstrous snakes with humanoid arms. They are the hidden masters of the Yuan-ti race, and serve as marshals and priests of their vile serpent god. This hak will add the serpentine Yuan-Ti Abomination to the custom palette under Monsters - Humanoid - Lizardfolk.
Yuan-ti halfblood are hybrids with a human-like head and arms, but still having a snake body. They are mainly soldiers and most of their fighting powers are magical. Since they are more snake-like, their powers are not as limited as the yuan-ti pureblood. Yuan-ti abomination is on the extreme being total snakes. Shapechanger, for the yuan-ti pureblood, comes with the same disadvantages as it has for the yuan-ti malison and yuan-ti abomination. Skip it.
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191), meaning it occupies a 10' by 10' space. The exact phrase Yuan-ti Abomination.
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The yuan-ti makes two ranged attacks or three melee attacks, but can use its bite and constrict attacks only once each. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) poison damage. Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one The yuan-ti has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. Actions.
Aversion (Sp): A yuan-ti abomination can psionically create a compulsion effect targeting one creature within 30 feet. The target must succeed on a DC 22 Will save or gain an aversion to snakes for 10 minutes. Affected creatures must stay at least 20 feet away from any snake or yuanti, alive or dead; if already within 20 feet, they move away. Yuan-ti halfblood are hybrids with a human-like head and arms, but still having a snake body. They are mainly soldiers and most of their fighting powers are magical. Since they are more snake-like, their powers are not as limited as the yuan-ti pureblood. Yuan-ti abomination is on the extreme being total snakes.
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They are the hidden masters of the Yuan-ti race, and serve as marshals and Yuan-ti Abomination 8 items. Tags · yuanti · abomination · gargantuan · kit · bash · bashes · kitbash · kitbashes · conversion · conversions · custom · ori Feb 15, 2020 During the Yuan-ti ritual, the other half of the party battles their way through the underground river to reach the throne room. Nov 7, 2019 Tagged with dungeonsanddragons, dnd, drawing, tombow, character; Shared by chameleonaesthetics. DnD Yuan-Ti Abomination antipaladin.
A yuan-ti believes an individual who attains enough power can devour and replace one of the yuan-ti gods. The yuan-ti strive for ascension and are willing to commit the darkest atrocities to achieve it.
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Jinxing the session. Yuan-ti Abomination (Priestess) Stats.
the DT 318376 53897.293201 . . 282717 47860.646034
Yugoslavia/M. Yugoslavian/SM. Yukon/M.
aboriginal/MS. 70 11.850173 yuan NN 70 11.850173 publications NNS 70 11.850173 space 4 0.677153 Farrer NNP 4 0.677153 abomination NN 4 0.677153 Gilbert NNP 4 VBN 3 0.507865 Naga NNP 3 0.507865 TI NNP 3 0.507865 Donzhang NNP Thurston/M Ti/M Tia/M Tianjin Tiber/M Tiberius/M Tibet/M Tibetan/S Tibold/M abominably abominate/XSDGN abomination/M aboriginal/YS aborigine/SM yr/S ytterbium/MS yttrium/MS yuan/M yucca/SM yuck/GDS yucky/RT yuk/S yukked ,gotcha,rang,keng,jazz,bigguy,yuan,tomtom,chaos,fossil,racerx,creamy,bobo ,amish,amazes,alcatraz,acquisitions,abomination,worldly,woodstock e.sort(function(e,t){return e.i-t.i||e.j-t.j})},omnimatch:function(e){var t,n,r,i parliamemt 4 Yuan-yi 4 bank-brokered 4 hygienist 4 Bogot-based 4 Boryszew Klimt 21 Jinquan 21 Turst 21 Hongwei 21 Ti-Jinfeng 21 Jae-young 21 Grinker out-performer 69 oddity 69 hookup 69 undertaker 69 abomination 69 ingrown plattorna i serien, speciellt som skivan kostade 15 yuan (=15 kr)! Oprutat. Abomination - Abomination Nu ti kvällen ska bode ällpe o sedespillare fo jobba. xiao yuan Tank music. Skapad av [CN]QSFZ.